In the beginning, we all learn the necessity of forgiveness, because it is a way to find true and lasting healing, and inner peace. Sure, this is not easy, otherwise most of humanity would already live together in peace and harmony since long time. Making peace with your past is really necessary, if you wish to move forward and create for yourself the life you wish to experience. Once you have established peace within your own heart and mind, you have greater ease to manifest true love in your daily life.
As we move forward on this path, we begin the realize the difference between the voice of the ego, and the loving gentle voice of our Divine Self. This gentle voice brings us healing and inner peace. The key is to take the time to sit still and to really listen to it (meditation).
The next steps of learning will be about your self-image, and your idea of who you truly are. There is the human self, yes, but there is also your true eternal Self. These next steps are about establishing your true identity, and about becoming aware of your Divine Self. You now remember your true Self again, you can feel it more often. This is peace, on all levels of your being. Your Divine Self is never separate from God. As a human, you only forgot that this relationship with God is permanent.
Now you remember your Divine Self and your Divine Oneness with God. You remember what was always within your heart. You are gently changing from human consciousness into divine consciousness. Divine Love is the essence of who you are and what you are. Divine Love is your natural state of being. The more you connect with this light within your heart, the more you experience healing on all levels of your being. This is why it is worth taking the time to meditate.
This is how we move forward and move beyond the old illusions of the ego, into true fulfillment. With this, we lay aside the habit of judging others. No more judgements. And we see others with our hearts, beyond the physical appearances, we now see their Light in them too. This is how you extend love to all you meet. On this path, we also lay aside the habit of blaming others, because they did not fulfill those expectations the ego was projecting on them.
The idea of making one "special" is an old belief from the ego. This is blocking the growth of unconditional love. A person who wants to be seen as special (or make another special) is acting out of the ego, and not of the heart. This always creates more separation, instead of expanding love and unity. If we wish to share and experience true love, we have to give up the wish of the ego that one person would be special or better than others. We need to connect with each other from a level of divine consciousness, where all are equally worthy, honored and appreciated.
To move away from fear and those old limitations, the answer is found in the practice of meditation and prayer: through meditation and prayer, we connect with the true Self, with Divine Love, and raise above the struggles of the ego. This is where the healing of the heart and of the mind happen, and where the reconnection with your Divine Self and God is found. This inner healing happens gently, over a certain time, with regular practice. This path is unique for each one.
Be patient and have compassion with yourself on this path. It is a learning process that needs some time. You are releasing what no longer serves you and what was holding you back. Instead of the voice of the ego, you now follow your heart, because your Soul is calling you to reconnect with your Divine Source. This is where you receive more love and peace.
As we continue learning, we continue healing and letting go of the old limiting beliefs. We feel more inner peace. We are more present in the now-moment. With that, we become more aware of our own Divine Self. The next step is to see and acknowledge the Divine Self in others too (even if they are not yet aware of it).
We ask more often for divine guidance, instead of judging things the old way. This is how we can lay the ego aside and allow Divine Light into more situations of daily life. We move beyond the old limiting idea of separation; we no longer see others as separate, because we know we are all from the same Divine Source.
Yes, this is only the beginning of our journey. Deep within your heart, you always felt that there is more to discover about this life you are living, than what you see with your physical eyes. And you were right: it is about the Soul and our Divine Source, our Divine Oneness with God. We are all learning to move from human consciousness back home into Divine Consciousness.
You are a beautiful Divine Being of Love and Light, right here, right now, in this now-moment.
The teachings from the spiritual books help us to make true peace with all of these topics. For people dealing with any kind of health issues, the spiritual teachings are a great support.
They help you to heal on all levels of your being, step by step. These teachings give you a new perspective and a deeper understanding of the souls path in this lifetime. This brings you back in alignment with Divine Love.
This is why the meetings I offer are individual meetings, so that one can study and move forward in a pace that is truly best adapted to one's needs.
Feel free to write me if you have any questions.
Divine Blessings to You