Meditation has a higher goal, a sacred goal that some people still ignore: The goal of meditation is the connection between you and your eternal Divine Self, your Soul. Meditation is about your relationship with your own Divine Source, with God.
It is helpful to begin every meditation with a prayer. During meditation, you step into Oneness with your Divine Source. You find alignment with your Divine Self again - and this is what makes meditation so precious.
Prayer is when you speak to God - Meditation is when you listen to God, your Divine Source. You know these words: "Ask (prayer) and you shall receive (meditation)."
No other relationship in your life is more important than the one that you have with yourself (your Divine Self) and God. During your meditation, you take care of this unique relationship.
Meditation is also an act of self-love, because during your time of meditation, you consciously take time for yourself. You then become more mindful and sensitive to your own feelings and thoughts. This is how you get to know yourself better, and this will make you stronger on many levels.
Meditation is about balancing your emotions, it is like an inner cleaning on many levels. This gives you new inner strength, peace and clarity for your daily tasks. Meditation is one of the most precious tools for your own self-healing. Your times of meditation are the times where you find true recovery from all the demands of the outer world. Taking this time for yourself is important for your work-life-balance and your health.
During meditation, you quiet your mind, you become still, you enter your heart and you listen within -- this is when you receive healing light, when you receive answers and new inspiration from your Divine Self.
The practice of meditation is probably the most powerful thing you can do for yourself and for your health. Meditation reduces stress and anxiety, because it brings you back into your own center and helps you to stay grounded.
With every meditation, you will feel calmer and more harmonious. And you radiate that inner peace into your daily life situations, to people around you. More important, during your meditation time you connect with a higher level of consciousness: you leave the human consciousness, and you come closer to the Divine Consciousness. This is where the path of awakening and healing is happening.
Real long term healing, holistic healing on all levels of your being, is only and always between
you and your own Divine Source. God is Love, and that Love is part of who you are.
Do not worry or think that you do not know how to pray or how to meditate. The only thing that matters is your intention to connect with God. Simply speak from your heart with God, ask Holy Spirit to guide you in your prayers and meditation. If you listen with an open heart, you'll receive the answers for your own Divine Guidance.
This is what happens during your meditation: you are in a state of open receivership for the love, the light and all the gifts your Divine Source has for you.
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Divine Love to You,