Along the path of life, many people experience childhood traumas, abandonment, betrayal, loss of a loved one, emotional wounds, mobbing, health issues, a divorce, or other painful and unfair situations. This is how sooner or later, we develop a certain self-image, then an idea about what the world is and what our life is. Later we add a list of beliefs that shape our perception and understanding of the world. When getting older, some people end up living in some kind of a survival mode, doing their best, answering to the demands of daily life, of family, of work and community. Some of us are functioning like that during years, more or less, but are not really living a fulfilling life. It feels like something is missing... and this is right, something is missing in those moments.
At this stage, in the old human consciousness, we do not yet know how to reconnect to our true Divine Self. We are longing for peace and love, but we listen to the outside world. We listen to others, we look at the news, and all that rarely feels good. But somewhere deep within our hearts, something is telling us that there is more about life to discover..... this voice is the voice of your higher Divine Self, your Soul is calling you, and it is wise to listen to this call... because your Soul wants you to heal and it wants you to feel better. It wants you to remember your true Self.
In the beginning, there are often many old emotions to clean up. Some people struggle to talk about their emotions. Some feel overwhelmed by events in their life, and others feel guilty. Some people can't forgive others. Many just can't let go. Even when their health issues are so bad, that they end up in hospital.
It is known that repressed anger, same as guilt, shame, resentment, bitterness, old grief and similar emotions make the body sick. We can observe that as soon as one has healed the heart and all those old emotions, the body begins to heal too.
When people wonder why they can't create the beautiful life they wish to have, the answer is: one can't manifest peace, joy, wealth, love, abundance and success, while still repressing and holding on to all those old emotions. Because those repressed emotions sabotage the vibrations one is sending out.
The good news is: your Soul would like to help you heal now. Your Divine Self wants you to find inner peace again, to feel happy. This is the beginning of the path ....
If you have any questions, feel free to write me.
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We will make an apointment to meet via zoom first.
Divine Love to You,