Yes, there is a new idea in the minds of people all around the world, that who we are, what we do, what we have, and the way we are living our lives, it all needs to be different than what it is. Everybody and everything has to be better, changed, replaced, optimized and upgraded over and over again. It seems to be "never good enough". Many people feel overwhelmed by the pressure from all these messages suggesting them to improve, and "do better with this.., change now that..., get this new..., you have to do this to become a better... ".
Of course, some self-improvement is all good, if it is done in a balanced and reasonable way.
Self-improvement has become a trend on social media channels, where people compare each other and compete with each other. That permanent message basically is this: that you need to change, that you have to look better, perform better, work harder, make better and be better than what you already are. This is what makes people feel so bad about themselves. It drives them right into the next depression and the total burn-out. That constant pressure of having to improve, to change, of performing better, of setting unrealistic goals, always wanting more of this and more of that, it is destroying their inner peace. But does it make them happy? Obviously not.
People feel exhausted and unhappy, because of the constant messages they receive on TV and all the social media channels: they lost their inner feeling of being at peace and content with who they are and what they have. Because of all these messages on social media suggesting them those unrealistic goals, people feel inadequate. Many don't know anymore how to simply appreciate and enjoy their own lives just the way they are.
How about taking a break for a while, letting go of that exaggerated need to change. For the next few weeks or months, try this: no more need to upgrade or change anything. Make this your new mantra: letting all things be the way they are, just for a while. Practice consciously to feel content with what is, with what you are, with everything you have.
Feeling happy is about appreciating everything you already have. Feeling happy comes from being content with, accepting and loving yourself just the way you are.
Next time you hear someone talk about "How to improve your ..." or "how to make this better..." take a deep breath and say to yourself: you don't have to. And you don't need to.
You already are lovable, precious, worthy, wonderful and perfect just the way you are. And so is your life. Remember: there is no need to constantly improve yourself or your life.
How about for a while, we all just do this: we simply stay as we are, we decide that we are happy with who we are and where we are, with what we have, and we all simply continue to be just that. How does it feel to you, if you say to yourself: "I promise to love myself no matter what."
Truly loving ourselves is not easy in a society where people compete all the time. Self-acceptance and feeling confident can be even more difficult, if one is dealing with health-issues.
You are not alone. Feel free to write me if you have any questions.
Divine Blessings to You,