The truth is that a certain number of people who have experienced childhood trauma suffer for years in silence. They simply can't talk about what they have experienced, with nobody. Many feel too scared and too ashamed. I was there too. Physical abuse in childhood engraves such deep feelings of shame in the subconscious mind, that one struggles trusting others ever again.
Most people with childhood-PTSD struggle with low self-esteem, deep feelings of shame and similar issues during years. Fears, insecurity and panic attacks are part of the symptoms, until one works together with a certif. trauma-therapist. Similar to what is known as shadow work in the ancient spiritual teachings, we need to face all those fears in order to heal. This is how you become healed and stronger.
Yes, this kind of work demands a lot of courage, but let me reassure you that this is really worth it. And as you pray every day, the Archangels and the Divine Beings of Light will help you and give you new strenght. You are not alone.
Because of these deep feelings of shame, people with PTSD often can’t find the courage to ask for help or see a medical doctor. Instead, they sometimes give up and choose another path... a path that is very heartbreaking for those who love them. This is why I created this website: to raise awareness for PTSD. I share these things here with the only goal to encourage you to ask for help, to join a self-help group and to talk with your doctor. While our ego may try to hold on to the different roles it wants to play in the human world, the path of healing that your Soul has prepared for us gently teaches us a new way of being.
When we are living with post-traumatic stress disorder, not feeling safe physically and feeling unsupported are the two points that need to find healing first. Especially when the physical body was involved in the traumatic experiences, these two feelings are truly so overwhelming that we tend to completely repress them whenever possible, sometimes during years. We literally cover them up with all kind of strategies, to make sure we do not have to feel what we really feel... all these are serious signs that one needs the support of a certified trauma-therapist.
Trust that your Higher Divine Self will guide you to the best doctors always.
Please make sure to work together with a good therapist, ask your local medical center, also see this website here.
This is where these spiritual teachings can support us on the path to healing and inner peace.
Healing is possible when we meditate, pray and have faith in the higher Divine Guidance. The focus should be in the now-moment and on the solutions, on what is truly helping. Therefore, in this website I share all the healing techniques that helped me. You don't have to pay money for spiritual healing. The same support from the Higher Divine Realms and the healing Angels is always truly available to everybody who asks with a honest heart.
One key for people with PTSD is about building a stable new resilience. The path of recovery may take some time, be patient with yourself. You can do this.
This path of healing is also the path of spiritual awakening, into Oneness with your Soul. We discover new steps of healing as we pray, meditate, and reconnect with our Divine Source.
If you have any questions, feel free to write me.
We will make an apointment to meet via zoom.
Divine blessings to You,